Bencillin® Vet Injection

Amoxicillin Sodium BP Indications: Bencillin Injection is active against penicillin-sensitive gram positive and gram negative bacteria. It is effective against various diseases like mastitis, metritis, gastroenteritis, salmonellosis, calf scour, bronchopneumonia, pharyngitis, umbilical infection, foot rot, fever, campilobacilosis, urinary tract infection, black quarter, haemorrhagic septicaemia, joint infection etc. Dosage & Administration: The dosage of Bencillin Injection […]

Benasol C Vet Oral Liquid

Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride BP Composition: Each ml contains Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride BP equivalent to Ciprofloxacin 100 mg. Indication: Benasol C vet oral liquid may be used against almost all types of Bacterial & Mycoplasmal diseases, e.g. Colibacillosis, Salmonellosis, Mycoplasmosis, Infectious coryza, Pasteurellosis, Streptococcosis, Staphylococcosis etc. Moreover, Benasol C vet oral liquid may act against other diseases caused […]

Benaquin Vet Oral Liquid

Flumequine BP Composition: Each ml contains Flumequine BP 200 mg Indication: Benaquin vet oral liquid is generally used as medication for all kind of enteric infection of poultry caused by gram-negative bacteria. Specially for treatment of Colibacillosis, Salmonellosis, Pasteurellosis, Infectious coryza, Staphylococcosis. Dosage & Administration: Broiler: Under 2 weeks: 1 ml/2 liter drinking water for […]

Benagard Vet Powder

Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate BP 45% Composition: Each gram Benagard vet powder contains Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate BP 450 mg. Indication: Benagard vet powder is a semi-synthetic derivative of the antibiotic pleuromutilin. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of Mycoplasmal and other infections of poultry like CRD, CCRD, sinusitis, airsacculitis, enteritis, pneumonia etc. It […]

Benaflox N Vet Oral Liquid

Norfloxacin 10% Composition: Each ml contains Norfloxacin BP 100 mg. Indication: Benaflox N vet oral liquid is highly effective in the treatment of uncomplicated and complicated urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infection, mastitis, salmonellosis, respiratory infections including enzootic pneumonia in cattle and poultry. It is also used as part of selective digestive tract decontamination in […]

Xtramox Powder for Suspension

Amoxicillin Trihydrate Indications Xtramox is indicated in the treatment of infections due to susceptible ß-lactamase negative strains of microorganisms. These infections include Pharmacology Amoxicillin is a broad spectrum penicillin. It is effective against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It acts through the inhibition of biosynthesis of cell wall. Amoxicillin is stable in […]

Xtramox Capsule

Amoxicillin Trihydrate Indications Xtramox is indicated in the treatment of infections due to susceptible ß-lactamase negative strains of microorganisms. These infections include Pharmacology Amoxicillin is a broad spectrum penicillin. It is effective against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It acts through the inhibition of biosynthesis of cell wall. Amoxicillin is stable in […]

Xtramox Capsule

Amoxicillin Trihydrate Indications Xtramox is indicated in the treatment of infections due to susceptible ß-lactamase negative strains of microorganisms. These infections include Pharmacology Amoxicillin is a broad spectrum penicillin. It is effective against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It acts through the inhibition of biosynthesis of cell wall. Amoxicillin is stable in […]

Vilet B Syrup

Vitamin B complex Indications Vilet B-B complex is indicated for prophylactic or therapeutic nutritional supplementation in physiologically stressful conditions. These include: Conditions causing depletion, or reduced absorption or bioavailability of essential B-vitamins manifested by glossitis, stomatitis, cheilosis, beriberi Vilet B-B complex is indicated for prophylactic or therapeutic nutritional supplementation in physiologically stressful conditions. These include: Conditions […]

Vilet B Tablet

Vitamin B complex Indications Vilet B-B complex is indicated for prophylactic or therapeutic nutritional supplementation in physiologically stressful conditions. These include: Conditions causing depletion, or reduced absorption or bioavailability of essential B-vitamins manifested by glossitis, stomatitis, cheilosis, beriberi Vilet B-B complex is indicated for prophylactic or therapeutic nutritional supplementation in physiologically stressful conditions. These include: Conditions […]