Neofloxin IV

Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin IV Infusion
Dosage Form: Infusion
TG Name: Intravenous Fluids
Neofloxin® IV is a clear, almost colorless to pale yellow sterile solution containing ciprofloxacin 2mg/ml in 100 ml bottle. Ciprofloxacin is a synthetic 4-quinolone derivative with bactericidal activity against a wide range of gram-negative and gram-positve organisms. Neofloxin® IV is indicated in abdominal, colorectal, orthopaedic, neuro, cardio-thoracic, gynaecological surgery. It is also effective in life-threatening infections like typhoid, pneumonia, meningitis, RTIS, GITIS, UTIS, bone and joint infections, gonorrhoea, skin and soft tissue infections.
- Very fast and immediate onset of action
- Reduces the risk of morbidity or mortality of ill patients
- Reduces hospital staying and treatment cost
- Ensures outstanding product Quality, Safety and Reliability