Neoceptin R IV

Generic Name: Ranitidine IV Infusion
Dosage Form: Infusion
TG Name: Intravenous Fluids
Neoceptin® R is a sterile, pyrogen free, isotonic formulation of Ranitidine for intravenous administration. Neoceptin® R is a competitive, reversible inhibitor of the action of histamine at the histamine-H2 receptors including the receptors of gastric cells. It inhibits basal and stimulated secretion of gastric acid, reducing both the volume and the acid-pepsin content of the secretion. Neoceptin® R is indicated for the treatment of duodenal ulcer, benign gastric ulcer, post-operative ulcer, oesophageal reflux disease and Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome. The usual adult dose of Neoceptin® R is 100ml containing 50mg Ranitidine which is to be administered 6 to 8 hourly over a period of 15 to 20 minutes at a rate of 5 to 7 ml per minute.
- Right choice to treat gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, Reflux disease, Zollinger-Ellision syndrome.
- Prevents pulmonary damage from Mendelson’s syndrome
- Prevents G.I. bleeding form stress ulcer.
- Effective in severe peptic ulcer disease