HemHemo(Tranexamic Acid)
Therapeutic Group : Antifibrinolytic Agent

Hemostat Capsule: Each capsule contains Tranexamic Acid BP 500 mg.
Hemostat Injection: Each 5 ml ampoule contains Tranexamic Acid BP 250 mg.
Short-term use for haemorrhage or risk of haemorrhage in increased fibrinolysis or fibrinogenolysis.
1. Local fibrinolysis occurs in the following conditions: Prostatectomy and bladder surgery, Menorrhagia, Epistaxis ,Conisation of the cervix,Traumatic hyphaema, Management of dental extraction patient with coagulopathies, Ulcerative colitis, Hematuria & Gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
2. General fibrinolysis as in prostatic and pancreatic cancer; after thoracic and other major surgery; in obstetrical complication such as abruptio placenta and post-partum haemorrhage; in leukemia and liver diseases and in connection with thrombolytic therapy with streptokinase.
3. Hereditary angioneurotic oedema
Dosage & Administration:
By mouth: 15-25 mg / kg 2-3 times daily, Menorrhagia 1 g three times daily for up to 4 days; max. 4 g daily, Hereditary angioedema, 1-1.5 g 2-3 times daily.
By slow intravenous injection: local fibronolysis, 0.5-1 g 3 times daily.
Hemostat is contra-indicated in patients with history of thromboembolic disease and severe renal impairment.
Warning & Precautions:
Patients with irregular menstrual bleeding should not use Tranexamic Acid until the cause of the irregularity has been established. Patients with a high risk for thrombosis history should use Tranexamic Acid only if there is a strong medical indication and under strict medical supervision.
Side effects:
GI discomfort like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea is common. But disappeared when dosage is reduced. Disturbances in color vision and thromboembolic events reported rarely; giddiness on rapid intravenous injection.
Use in special groups:
Use in pregnancy: Although there is no evidence from animal studies of teratogenic effect, the usual caution with the use of drugs in pregnancy should be observed.
Use in lactation: Tranexamic acid is excreted into breast milk, but it is not likely to influence the child at therapeutic doses.
Hemostat Capsule: Each box contains 20’s capsule in blister pack.
Hemostat Injection: Each box contains 5’s ampoules.