Clognil Plus

Clognil Plus

Clognil Plus

ANTITHROMBOTICS: Clopidogrel+Aspirin


Clognil Plus is indicated for the prevention of ischemic events, myocardial infarction, stroke and cardiovascular death in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

Dosage & Administration

The recommended dose is one tablet once daily.

Side Effect

PregnancyAdverse effects are increased in the mother and the foetus followingchronic ingestion of Aspirin. Because of possible adverse effects on theneonate and the potential for increased maternal blood loss, Clognil Plusshould be avoided during the last three months of pregnancy.Nursing mothersClognil Plus should be avoided in nursing mothers because of the possiblerisk of developing Reye\\\’s syndrome. Regular use of high doses of Aspirincould impair platelet function and produce hypoprothrombinemia ininfants if neonatal vitamin K levels are low.Pediatric useSafety and effectiveness of Clognil Plus in the pediatric population havenot been established.Adverse reactionsThe drug is generally well tolerated. Side effects that have been reportedinclude abdominal pain, dyspepsia, gastritis, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,constipation, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, ulceration, neutropenia, rash,palpitation, syncope, drowsiness, asthenia, neuralgia, paresthesia andvertigo.


Clognil Plus: Each box contains 3×10 tablets in alu-alu blister pack. 


  • Hypersensitivity to Clopidogrel 
  • Hypersensitivity to Aspirin and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents 
  • Recent history of gastrointestinal bleeding 
  • Active pathological bleeding such as peptic ulcer or intracranial hemorrhage, or bleeding disorders like hemophilia