Predasin Ophthalmic Emulsion

Difluprednate Indications Predasin is indicated for the treatment of inflammation and pain associated with ocular surgery. It is also indicated for the treatment of uveitis, pseudophakic cystoid macular edema(CME), ocular surface diseases, e.g. blepharitis & corneal inflammation. Pharmacology Corticosteroids inhibit the inflammatory response to a variety of inciting agents and may delay or slow healing. […]

Pevisia Cream

Econazole Nitrate + Triamcinolone Acetonide Indications Econazole Nitrate & Triamcinolone Acetonide indicated for the treatment of: Onychomycoses- for the treatment of onychomycoses, local therapy with Econazole/Triamcinolone cream, combined with an oral antimycotic, is recommended. Description This cream is a broad spectrum antimycotic with anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and anti-allergic effects. This cream is composed of Econazole Nitrate, […]

Pairox Tablet

Naproxen Sodium Indications Pairox is indicated for the relief of sign and symptoms of- It is also indicated for the management of primary dysmenorrhea & pain. Pharmacology As with other non-selective NSAIDs, naproxen exerts it’s clinical effects by blocking COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes leading to decreased prostaglandin synthesis. Although both enzymes contribute to prostaglandin production, […]

P-20 Tablet (Enteric Coated)

Pantoprazole Sodium Indications P-20 is indicated where suppression of acid secretion has therapeutic benefit; i.e  Pharmacology Pantoprazole is a proton pump inhibitor that suppresses the final step in gastric acid production by covalently binding to the H+/K+ATPase enzyme system at the surface of the gastric parietal cell. This effect leads to inhibition of both basal […]

Ocutif Ophthalmic Solution

Ketotifen Fumarate Indications Ocutif eye drop is indicated for the treatment of signs & symptoms (itchy, watery, red & swollen eyes and eyelids) of allergic conjunctivitis including vernal kerato-conjunctivitis, vernal-keratitis, blepharitis, blepharo-conjunctivitis, and giant papillary conjunctivitis. Pharmacology Ketotifen is a potent anti-allergic substance possessing a powerful and sustained non-competitive histamine (H1) receptor blocking property. Ketotifen inhibits […]

Ocutear Ophthalmic Solution

Hypromellose Indications Ophthalmic Solution: Ocutear dye drop is indicated in tear deficiency due to: Ophthalmic Gel: Ocutear enriched with Carbomer 980 is a long-acting eye gel for lubricating the surface of the eye for all patients with ocular discomfort. The slight hypotonicity of the gel is rapidly “neutralized” by the slightly hypertonic tear fluid caused […]

Ocudex Ophthalmic Solution

Dexamethasone Indications Eye: Ocudex Phosphate is indicated for treatment of steroid responsive inflammatory conditions of the conjunctiva, cornea and anterior segment of the eye such as: anterior uveitis, iritis, cyclitis, allergic and vernal conjunctivitis, herpes zoster keratitis, superficial punctate keratitis and non-specific superficial keratitis. Also indicated for the treatment of corneal injury from chemical, radiation […]

Ocubrin Ophthalmic Suspension

Brinzolamide Indications Ocubrin Ophthalmic Suspension is indicated as monotherapy, or as adjunctive therapy to beta-blockers in the treatment of elevated intraocular pressure in ocular hypertension, or open-angle glaucoma. Pharmacology Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is an enzyme found in many tissues of the body including the eye. It catalyses the reversible reaction involving the hydration of carbon […]

O-20 Capsule (Enteric Coated)

Omeprazole Indications O-20 is indicated for the treatment of- Pharmacology Omeprazole, a substituted benzimidazole, is an inhibitor of gastric acid secretion. It inhibits gastric acid secretion by blocking hydrogen-potassium-adenosine triphosphatase (H+/K+ ATPase) enzyme system in the gastric parietal cell. After oral administration, the onset of the antisecretory effect occurs within one hour, with the maximum effect […]

Nutrovita Syrup

Vitamin B complex Indications Nutrovita-B complex is indicated for prophylactic or therapeutic nutritional supplementation in physiologically stressful conditions. These include: Conditions causing depletion, or reduced absorption or bioavailability of essential B-vitamins manifested by glossitis, stomatitis, cheilosis, beriberi Nutrovita-B complex is indicated for prophylactic or therapeutic nutritional supplementation in physiologically stressful conditions. These include: Conditions causing depletion, […]