Vastin Tablet

Atorvastatin Calcium Indications Vastin is indicated as an adjunct to diet to reduce elevated total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B (Apo-B) and triglycerides levels in following diseases when response to diet and other non-pharmacological measures is inadequate. Pharmacology Atorvastatin is a selective inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase. This enzyme is the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for the […]

Troy Tablet

Ketorolac Tromethamine Indications Troy is indicated for the short-term management of moderate to severe acute post-operative pain. Troy ophthalmic solution helps relieve pain, inflammation, and light sensitivity after ocular surgery. It may also be used to decrease eye inflammation or redness caused by seasonal allergies. Description Troy is a drug of pyrrolo-pyrrole group of nonsteroidal […]

Tramadol Capsule

Tramadol Hydrochloride Indications Tramadol is used for the treatment of moderate to severe painful conditions. These include: Pharmacology Tramadol is a centrally acting synthetic analgesic compound. It inhibits the re uptake of neurotransmitters- serotonin and noradrenaline. Thus it modifies the transmission of pain impulses by activating both descending serotonergic pathways and noradrenergic pathways involved in […]

Synergy Tablet

Super antioxidant [vitamins & minerals] Indications This is indicated in the following cases: Composition Each tablet contains: Pharmacology Vitamin A is essential for human health. Vitamin A is highly important for vision, cell development and immunity. Vitamin A’s role on immunity contributes to its anti-cancer properties. Vitamin C is one of the most widely taken supplements and […]

Suvic Chewable Tablet

Vitamin C [Ascorbic acid] Indications Ascorbic Acid (Suvic) is indicated in- Pharmacology This is a preparation of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). Ascorbic Acid is an essential nutrient, which means it cannot be produced by the body and therefore must be obtained from diet or supplements. Ascorbic Acid has many important functions. It is required for […]

Super Saline Oral Powder

Oral rehydration salt [glucose based] Indications Super Saline helps in replacement of fluid and electrolyte loss due to- Other conditions of fluid loss or lack of intake in patients of all age groups. Composition For 500 ml preparation: Each sachet contains- Pharmacology This is the preparation of oral rehydration salt. It is composed of anhydrous […]

Sedapen Tablet

Diazepam Indications Sedapen is indicated for the short-term treatment of mild to moderate anxiety, excitation, agitation, fear, aggressiveness, etc. Anxiety reactions caused by stressed conditions, anxiety states with somatic expression, acute alcohol withdrawal, status epilepticus, premedication for surgical procedures, febrile convulsions, insomnia of hospitalized patients. Description Sedapen is a benzodiazepine derivative and is a safe […]

Saliben Ointment

Benzoic Acid + Salicylic Acid Indications Benzoic Acid & Salicylic Acid is indicated for fungal infections, athlete’s foot, barber’s itch. Pharmacology Benzoic acid: Elicits weak antifungal and antibacterial properties; also helps acidify urine. Salicylic acid: It has a potent keratolytic action and a slight antiseptic action when applied topically. It softens and destroys the stratum corneum by […]

Salbutamol Syrup

Salbutamol Indications Salbutamol is indicated as a bronchodilator for use in- Pharmacology Salbutamol is a synthetic sympathomimetic agent with predominant beta-2 adrenergic activity. Salbutamol produces bronchodilatation through stimulation of beta-2-adrenergic receptors in bronchial smooth muscles, thereby causing relaxation of bronchial muscle fibers. This action is manifested by an improvement in pulmonary function as demonstrated by […]

Ruzmet Tablet

Metformin Hydrochloride Indications Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, particularly in overweight patients when dietary management and exercise alone does not result in adequate glycaemic control. A reduction of diabetic complications has been shown in overweight type 2 diabetic adult patients treated with metformin as first-line therapy after diet failure. Pharmacology Metformin is a biguanide […]