Cardilock Tablet

Atenolol Indications Cardilock is indicated- Pharmacology The synthesis of atenolol resulted from attempts to produce a β-adrenoceptor antagonist that would competitively block β1 (cardiac) receptors but have no effect on β2-receptors. It is classified as a β1 selective (cardioselective) β-adrenergic receptor antagonist with no membranestability activity and no partial agonist activity. It is markedly the […]

Capotril Tablet

Captopril Indications Hypertension: Mild to moderate hypertension as an adjunct to thiazide therapy in patients who have not responded effectively to thiazide treatment alone. Severe hypertension: Where standard therapy has failed. Cardopril is effective alone or in combination with other antihypertensive agents especially thiazide type of diuretics. The blood pressure lowering effect of Cardopril and […]

Calmi-M Tablet

Calcium + Vitamin D3 + Multimineral Indications Calmi-M is indicated in- Composition Each film-coated tablet contains- Each effervescent tablet contains- Pharmacology Nutrition is the most important to prevent osteoporosis and other bone related diseases. Calcium, Magnesium & Vitamin D3 are the macronutrients for bone. Without Vitamin D3 very little Calcium is absorbed. Like Calcium, Magnesium […]

Calmi-D Tablet

Calcium [Elemental source] + Vitamin D3 Indications Calmi-D is used for treatment of osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets, tetany and in parathyroid disease. Calcium supplements are often used to ensure adequate dietary intake in conditions such as pregnancy & lactation, osteogenesis and tooth formation (adjunct with definite treatment) and therapy with anti-seizure medications. It is also used […]

Calmi Tablet

Calcium [Elemental source] Indications 250 mg or 500 mg tablet: This is used for the treatment or prevention of Calmi depletion in patients in whom dietary measures are inadequate. Conditions that may be associated with Calmi deficiency include hypoparathyroidism, achlorhydria, chronic diarrhea, vitamin D deficiency, steatorrhea, sprue, pregnancy and lactation, menopause, pancreatitis, renal failure, alkalosis, […]

C-4 Effervescent Tablet

Calcium Lactate Gluconate + Calcium Carbonate + Vitamin C Indications This is indicated in- Pharmacology Calcium is used as a pharmacologic agent in humans almost entirely to remedy deficiency. Adequate calcium in the blood is so vital to a wide variety of bodily functions that our internal biochemistry will not tolerate a deficiency even for short […]

Brozep Tablet

Bromazepam Indications Brozep is indicated in- Pharmacology Bromazepam is a powerful psychotropic agent. In lower dosage, it selectively reduces tension and anxiety. In higher dosage, it shows sedative and muscle-relaxant properties. Bromazepam binds to the GABA-A receptor producing a conformational change and potentiating its inhibitory effects. Other neurotransmitters are not influenced. Dosage Standard dosage: Average […]

Brolyt Syrup

Bromhexine Hydrochloride Indications Brolyt is indicated in the treatment of respiratory tract disorders associated with productive cough. This include- Pharmacology Bromhexine Hydrochloride is an oral mucolytic agent. It disrupts the structure of acid mucopolysaccharide fibres in mucoid sputum and produces less viscous mucus, which makes easier the expectoration. It is rapidly & completely absorbed from […]

Betasef DS Powder for Suspension

Cephradine Indications Betasef DS is indicated for the treatment of infections caused by sensitive Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. These include- The following microorganisms are susceptible, in vitro to Betasef DS: Pharmacology Cephradine is a semisynthetic broad spectrum bactericidal antibiotic, it is active against infections caused by both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Both penicillinase producing and […]

Betasef Powder for Suspension

Cephradine Indications Betasef is indicated for the treatment of infections caused by sensitive Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. These include- The following microorganisms are susceptible, in vitro to Betasef: Pharmacology Cephradine is a semisynthetic broad spectrum bactericidal antibiotic, it is active against infections caused by both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Both penicillinase producing and nonproducing staphylococci […]