Azmasol HFA

Generic Name: Salbutamol BP
Dosage Form: Inhaler
TG Name: Respiratory
Azmasol® HFA inhaler is an environment friendly, CFC-free inhaler. It contains Salbutamol BP (as sulfate) as the active ingredient which is a 2- adrenoceptor agonist used in the treatment of asthma and other forms of diffuse reversible airways obstruction. It is indicated for the treatment and prophylaxis of bronchial asthma and for the treatment of reversible airways obstruction associated with bronchitis and emphysema. it is also (Salbutamol) inhaler may be used to relieve attacks of acute dyspnoea and be taken prophylactically before exertion or to prevent exercise-induced asthma
- less priming less loss of drugs.
- Consistent dosing with better end of can delivery (Improved tail-off profile).
- Reduced spray force and smaller particle size(below 3 micron) than CFC salbutamol ensures improved lung deposition in small airways.
Patients in the CFC salbutamol group use an average of 1.3 more canisters per year compared with patient patients in the HFA salbutamol group