Osteonil Tablet

Ibandronic Acid Indications Osteonil is indicated for the: Treatment of Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis may be confirmed by the finding of low bone mass (T-score <-2.0 SD) and the presence or history of osteoporotic fracture, or a low bone mass (T-score <-2.5 SD) in the absence of documented pre-existing osteoporotic fracture. Pharmacology The pharmacodynamic action of ibandronic […]

Oralyte Oral Powder

Oral rehydration salt [glucose based] Indications Oralyteyte helps in replacement of fluid and electrolyte loss due to- Other conditions of fluid loss or lack of intake in patients of all age groups. Composition For 500 ml preparation: Each sachet contains- Pharmacology This is the preparation of oral rehydration salt. It is composed of anhydrous glucose, […]

Olme-AM Tablet

Amlodipine Besilate + Olmesartan Medoxomil Indications Indicated for the treatment of hypertension alone or with other antihypertensive agents, to lower blood pressure. Olme-AM drug is indicated as initial therapy in patients likely to need multiple antihypertensive agents to achieve their blood pressure goals. The decision to use a combination as initial therapy should be individualized […]

Olme H Tablet

Olmesartan Medoxomil + Hydrochlorothiazide Indications Olmesartan Medoxomil & Hydrochlorothiazide combination is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. Pharmacology Angiotensin-II formed from angiotensin-I in a reaction catalyzed by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), is a potent vasoconstrictor, the primary vasoactive hormone of the renin-angiotensin system and an important component in the pathophysiology of hypertension. It also stimulates aldosterone […]

Olme Tablet

Olmesartan Medoxomil Indications Olme is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. It may be used alone or in combination with other antihypertensive agents. Pharmacology Angiotensin II is formed from angiotensin I in a reaction catalyzed by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE, Kininase II). Angiotensin II is the principal pressor agent of the renin-angiotensin system, with effects […]

Olanza Tablet

Olanzapine Indications Olanza is indicated for the acute and maintenance treatment of schizophrenia and related psychoses where positive symptoms (e.g. delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking, hostility and suspiciousness) and/or negative symptoms (e.g. flattened affect, emotional and social withdrawal, poverty of speech) are prominent. Olanza is indicated for the treatment of acute manic or mixed episodes in […]

Naprofast Tablet

Naproxen Sodium Indications Naprofast is indicated for the relief of sign and symptoms of- It is also indicated for the management of primary dysmenorrhea & pain. Pharmacology As with other non-selective NSAIDs, naproxen exerts it’s clinical effects by blocking COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes leading to decreased prostaglandin synthesis. Although both enzymes contribute to prostaglandin production, […]

N-ASPA Tablet

Drotaverine Hydrochloride Indications Gastric, Intestinal or pyloric spasm, cholelithiasis and spastic constipation, to relieve tenesmus in dysentry, dysmenorrhoea, peripheral vascular disorders. Owing to its freedom from cardiotoxic and hypotensive effects, N-ASPA HCl has outstanding value in the treatment of coronary insufficiency and angina pectoris. Pharmacology Drotaverine HCl is a new potent synthetic antispasmodic drug which […]

Mytil Syrup

Bromhexine Hydrochloride Indications Mytil is indicated in the treatment of respiratory tract disorders associated with productive cough. This include- Pharmacology Bromhexine Hydrochloride is an oral mucolytic agent. It disrupts the structure of acid mucopolysaccharide fibres in mucoid sputum and produces less viscous mucus, which makes easier the expectoration. It is rapidly & completely absorbed from […]

Mydlam Tablet

Midazolam Indications Mydlam is indicated in- Description Mydlam is a sleep-inducing agent characterized by a rapid onset and short duration of action. It also exerts an anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and muscle-relaxant effect. Pharmacology The actions of benzodiazepines such as midazolam are mediated through the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is one of the major inhibitory […]