
Sodium Bicarbonate
Topical Ear Preparations (Topical Ear Preparations)
WaxnilTM Ear Drops are used to soften and remove hardened ear wax.
It helps to alleviate symptoms of a blocked ear due to ear wax.
- Earache
- Difficulty hearing
- Itchiness
- Dizziness
- An ear infection
- Tinnitus
Dosage & Administration:
Adults & Children (from 1 year):
• Tilt your head and gently squeeze 3 to 4 drops into the affected ear without touching the ear with the end of the dropper.
• Keep head tilted, allow the solution to remain in ear for 5-10 minutes, wipe any surplus with a tissue. Repeat in the other ear if necessary.
• Perform twice daily for up to 5 days.
Children under 5 years should receive medical diagnosis and supervision.
Do not “plug” the ears with cotton wool.
WaxnilTM Ear Drops: Each Plastic dropper bottle contains 10 ml of Sodium Bicarbonate otic solution.