
Napa Extra

Generic Name: Paracetamol & CaffeineDosage Form: TabletTG Name: Analgesics & Antipyretic What Napa® Extra is and what it is used for? Napa® Extra (Paracetamol) is a fast and powerful analgesic with marked antipyretic properties.It is recommended to treat mild to moderate pain and febrile conditions the treatment of most painful and febrile conditions, such as headache, toothache, backache, rheumatic and […]

Ace® Plus

Paracetamol & CaffeineNon-narcotic analgesics (Analgesics) Paracetamol 500 mg & Caffeine 65 mg. Indication: Fever, headache, migraine, muscle ache, backache, toothache & menstrual pain. Dosage & Administration: Adults: 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours. Maximum dose: 8 tablets daily. Not recommended for children below 12 years. Preparation: Each box contains 200 tablets of Paracetamol 500 mg & […]