Remevit ADE Vet Oral Solution

Vitamin A, D3 & E
Poultry: For the treatment & prevention of Vitamin A, D3 & E deficiency. To overcome the deficiency of vitamin in case of infectious & parasitic diseases & after treatment. Acts as supportive in case of vaccination, use of anthelmintics & antibiotics, fertility problem, hatching, incubation, feather picking, cannibalism. For the prevention of testicular degeneration in cock & lower ovum production in layer breeder.
Livestock : In case of weakness, dullness, anorexia, rickets, fertility problem, metabolic problem, proper development of different organs of the body in growing animals, prevention of testicular degeneration, lower ovum production, treatment of night blindness, in case of vaccination, pregnancy, after treatment of bacterial & parasitic diseases & before parturition.
Dosage & Administration:
Poultry: 1 -5 ml per litre of drinking water for 3-5 consecutive days.
Cattle, horse: 5 -10 ml per animal for 2-3 consecutive days.
Calf, foal: 5 ml per animal for 2-3 consecutive days.
Goat, sheep: 2 -3 ml per animal for 2-3 consecutive days.
Or, as prescribed by the registered veterinary doctor.
Presentation :
100 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter Bottle.