Primrole (Evening Primrose Oil)

Therapeutic Group : Herbal
Primrole-500: Each soft gelatin capsule contains Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg.
Primrole-1000: Each soft gelatin capsule contains Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg.
Evening Primrose Oil improves essential fatty acid (EFA) composition of plasma, erythrocyte, platelet lipids and ?? tocopherol levels in non-diabetic persons and Type 1 diabetic patients; increases total fat and EFA content of mother\’s milk; affects fatty acid composition of serum lipids and adipose tissue in men with low dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA) levels; helps maintain normal cellular structures and is the precursor of DGLA which is the parent of the 1-series prostanoids and as a precursor of arachidonic acid, the parent of the 2-series prostanoids.
• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms
• Dysmenorrhea
• Cyclical mastalgia (Painful breast during menstruation)
• Low breast milk supply
• Atopic dermatitis & Eczema
• Pregnancy mask
• Acne vulgaris
• Rheumatoid arthritis
Dosage & Administration:
1-2 capsules 2-3 times daily or as directed by the physician.
Use in Children & Adolescents: 1-2 Capsules 2 times daily
Previously it was not recommended for patients diagnosed with Schizophrenia or those already receiving epileptogenic drugs such as phenothiazines. However, a recently published analysis of clinical trials involving polyunsaturated fatty acids in the treatment of schizophrenia did not indicate a clear therapeutic or adverse effect of Evening Primrose Oil supplements on Schizophrenic patients.
Warning & Precautions:
May potentiate temporal lobe epilepsy.
Side effects:
Adverse effects are rare at recommended dosages.
Drug interaction:
Concomitantly use with anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, low molecular weight heparin and thrombolytic agents.
OVERDOSE:Overdose may cause loose stool and abdominal pain.
Use in special groups:
No known restrictions. Linolenic acid (LA), Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA) are importantcomponents of human breast milk, so it is reasonable to assume that Evening Primrose Oil may be taken while nursing. According to World Health Organization (WHO), pregnant or lactating women should get 5% of their total daily caloric intake from EFAs.
Store below 30°C & keep in dry place, away from light. Keep out of the reach of children.
Primrole-500: Each soft gelatin capsule contains Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg.
Primrole-1000: Each soft gelatin capsule contains Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg.