
All forms of amoebiasis (intestinal and extra-intestinal disease including liver abscess and that of symptomless cyst passers), Trichomoniasis, Giardiasis, Bacterial vaginosis, Acute ulcerative gingivitis, Anaerobic infections including septicaemia, bacteraemia, peritonitis, brain abscess, necrotising pneumonia, osteomyelitis, puerperal sepsis, pelvic abscess, pelvic cellulitis etc. Anaerobically-infected leg ulcers and pressure sores, Acute dental infections (e.g. acute pericoronitis and acute apical infections), Surgical prophylaxis (prevention of postoperative infections due to anaerobic bacteria, particularly species of bacteroides and anaerobic streptococci, Chronic symptomatic peptic ulcer disease (as an agent of triple therapy to eradicate H. pylori-the most important aetiological factor of peptic ulcer)
Known hypersensitivity to Metronidazole, Active disease of CNS and Blood dyscrasias.
Dosage & Administration
If not otherwise prescribed by the physician the following dosage schedule may be followed :
Adult and children over 10 years:
Tricomoniasis : 200 mg T.I.D or 400 mg B.I.D for 7 days
Invasive intestinal Amoebiasis : 800 mg T.I.D for 5 days
Giardiasis: 2.0 gm once daily for 3 days
Acute Ulcerative Gingivitis : 200 mg T.I.D for 3 days
Tricomoniasis : 100-200 mg Q.I.D for 7 days
Invasive intestinal Amoebiasis : 800 mg T.I.D for 5 days
Giardiasis: 2.0 gm once daily for 3 days
Acute Ulcerative Gingivitis : 100 mg B.I.D for 3 days
Side Effect
Metalic taste, furred tongue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, drowsiness, rashes and mild reversible leucopenia may be observed during treatment.
Regular clinical and laboratory monitoring are advised if administration for more than 10 days is considered to be necessary. Metronidazole should be administered with caution to patients with hepatic encephalopathy. Caution is advised in patients with active disease of the central nervous system other than brain abscess. The consumption of alcohol during metronidazole therapy should be avoided since there could be a disulfiram-like reaction.
Not recommended during first & later trimesters. Breast feeding should be delayed until 48 hours after discontinuing metronidazole in the mother.
Drug Interaction
Metronidazole interacts with warfarin, nicoumalone, phenytoin, phenobarbitone, fluorouracil, disulfiram, lithium, cimetidine etc.
Nidazyl 400 mg Tablet: Each box contains 10 X 10\’s tablets in blister pack
Nidazyl Suspension: Each bottle contains 60 ml suspension