
Nootropics (CNS Preparations)
Cerebral vascular accidents and cerebral insufficiencies: Ischaemic or even haemorrhagic acute accidents, chronic manifestations of the above accidents or of cerebral atherosclerosis. Mental retardation in children: Ease of resuming individual contact, sociability and learning, improved intellectual performances and school results. Behaviour and psychotic problems in old age: Memory deficits, particularly with regard to fixation and evocation asthenia adaption disorders, disturbed psychomotor reactions.
Dosage & Administration:
Adults: In cerebro-cortical insufficiency disorders, usual dose is 800 mg 3 times a day. In myoclonic seizures, a dose of 7.2 gm daily, increasing by 4.8 gm per day every 3 to 4 days up to maximum of 20 gm daily, given in 2 or 3 divided doses.
Children: The daily dosage depends on the weight of the child, 50 mg/kg of body weight in 3 divided doses. Once the desired results has been obtained, reduce the initial dose by half.
NeurolepTM Tablet: Each box contains 50 tablets in blister packing.
NeurolepTM Oral Solution: Each bottle contains 100 ml solution.