Maxicon (Magaldrate & Simethicone)

Therapeutic Group : Antacid & Antiflatulent
Maxicon Suspension: Each 5 ml contains Magaldrate USP 480 mg and Simethicone USP 20 mg.
Dyspepsia, hyperacidity, gastritis, flatulence, heartburn & gas.
Dosage & Administration:
2-4 teaspoonfuls 20 – 60 minutes after meal and at bedtime or as directed by the physician.
Magaldrate should not be administered in patients who are sensitive to the Aluminium and Magnesium. This combination is contraindicated in patients with impaired renal function, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, chronic diarrhea, hypophosphataemia and weak or debilitated people.
Warning & Precautions:
Precautions should be taken regarding that the patients taking this combination don’t have the above mentioned contraindicated situations. Patients taking Citrate Salts should not take this combination.
Side effects:
If excessive amount is consumed, diarrhea, constipation and regurgitation may occur.
Drug interaction:
Antacids decrease the bioavailability of Theophylline, Tetracycline, Quinolone Antibiotics, Ketoconazole, Indomethacine, Nitrofurantoin, Digoxins etc. Antacids increase the bioavailability of some drugs e.g. Sulphonamides, Levodopa, Valproic acid, Enteric coated aspirin etc.
Use in special groups:
Use in pregnancy: Pregnancy category C, should be administered to the pregnant women only when benefit outweighs the risk.
Lactating Mother: May pass into breast milk.
Use in Children: Should not be given to young children under 6 years of age.
Maxicon Suspension: Each bottle contains 200 ml suspension of Magaldrate and Simethicone.