


Pregnancy Maintenance Preparation (Hormone Preparation)

Intra Uterine Growth Retardation; Threatened abortion; Habitual abortion; Threatened premature delivery


Threatened Abortion, Habitual Abortion, Intrauterine Growth Retardation, Threatened premature delivery

Dosage & Administration:

i. Intra Uterine Growth Retardation: 1 tablet three times daily for at least two months. The dose should be reduced if symptoms improved.
ii. Threatened abortion: 1 tablet three times daily until symptoms disappear.
iii. Habitual abortion: 1 – 2 tablets daily as soon as pregnancy is diagnosed. Continue for at least one month after the end of the critical period.
iv. Threatened premature delivery: Depending on individual’s condition & desired response, up to 40 mg daily can be used.


Geston™ Tablet: Box containing 3×10 tablets in blister pack.