Bufocort™ Cozycap

Budesonide + Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate
Inhaled Corticosteroid + beta 2 stimulant (Antiasthma)
BufocortTM Cozycaps are indicated in the regular treatment of asthma. They are also indicated in the symptomatic treatment of severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), with a history of repeated exacerbations despite regular therapy with long-acting bronchodilators.
Dosage & Administration:
Dosage is individual and should be adjusted according to disease severity. When control has been achieved, the dose should be titrated to the lowest effective dose.
For BufocortTM there are two treatment approaches:
(A) Maintenance Therapy: Patients should be advised to have their separate rapid
acting bronchodilator available for rescue use at all times.
Adults (18 Years and Older)
BufocortTM 100 / 200 Cozycap: 1-2 Cozycaps, twice daily, maximum dose is 4
Cozycaps, twice daily.
focortTM 400 Cozycap: 1 Cozycaps, twice daily, maximum dose is 2 Cozycaps,
twice daily.
Adolescents (12-17 Years)
BufocortTM 100 Cozycap, 1-2 Cozycaps, twice daily.
BufocortTM 200 Cozycap, 1-2 Cozycaps, twice daily.
BufocortTM 400 Cozycap, 1 Cozycap, twice daily.
Children (6-11 Years)
BufocortTM 200 Cozycap, 1 Cozycap, twice daily.
(B) Single Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (For BufocortTM 100 and 200 Cozycap
only) Patients take a daily maintenance dose of BufocortTM and in addition take
BufocortTM as needed in response to symptoms. Patients should be advised to
always have BufocortTM available for use.
Adults (18 years and older): The recommended maintenance dosage is 2
inhalations per day as maintenance therapy (either one Cozycap twice daily, or two
Cozycaps in either the morning or the evening), although some patients may
require two Cozycaps twice daily.
Patients should take 1 additional Cozycap as needed in response to symptoms. If
symptoms persist after a few minutes, an additional Cozycap should be taken. Not
more than 6 Cozycaps should be taken on any single occasion.
A total daily dose of more than 8 Cozycaps is not normally needed; however, a total
daily dose of up to 12 Cozycaps could be used for a limited period. Patients using more
than 8 Cozycaps daily should be strongly recommended to seek medical advice.
BufocortTM 200 Cozycap : Each pack contains 30 cozycaps in alu-alu blister.
BufocortTM 400 Cozycap : Each pack contains 30 cozycaps in alu-alu blister.