Bovi C3 Vet Powder
Calcium Propionate ,DL-Methionine, Gentian powder, Vit B6 Cobalt gluconate

Each 125 gm powder contains,
Calcium Propionate 63 g
DL-Methionine 5 g
Gentian Powder 10 g
Cobalt Gluconate 40 mg
Vitamin B6 40 mg
Coloidal Anhydrous Silica 1.6 g
Dextrose 125 g
Bloat,digestive disorder due to decreased activity of reticulum and rumen or sudden dietary changes,intoxication,supportive therapy in disease caused by foreign bodies,hypoglycemic condition in cattle,calves,sheep and goats.
Dosage and Administration:
Treatment:Adult Cattle: 2sachet with an interval of 12 hours,
Young Aniaml:1/2 sachet once or twice per day.
Sheep and Goats:1/4 sachet per day
Prophylaxis:Adult cattle 1/2 sachet,Young animal 1/4 sachet per day during 2 or 3 consecutive days.
Administer as a drench with 1/2 to 1 litre of water.Or advised by the Registered Veterinary Doctor.
Protect from light,store in a cool & dry place and keep out of reach of children.
: Each box contains 10 x 125 gm sachet.