
Baclofen is indicated to alleviate the spasms and associated pain, clonus, muscle rigidity and to improve the mobility in-
- Chronic severe spasticity associated with variety of conditions like multiple sclerosis, spinal cord lesions
- Muscle spasm of cerebral origin especially due to infantile cerebral palsy
- Cerebrovascular accidents or in neoplastic and degenerative brain disease.
Baclofen is also indicated as in adjunct management of neurogenic bladder, in management of refractory trigeminal neuralgia.
Known hypersensitivity to Baclofen or to any of the ingredients.
Drug Interaction
Alcohol and other CNS depressants may exacerbate the CNS effects of Baclofen and should be avoided; severe aggravation of hyperkinetic symptoms may possibly occur in patients taking lithium. There may be increased weakness if Baclofen is given to patients taking a tricyclic antidepressant and there may be an increased hypotensive effect if it is given to patients receiving antihypertensive therapy. Ibuprofen and other drugs that produce renal insufficiency may reduce Baclofen excretion leading to toxicity. Baclofen may be used in conjuction with Diazepam and other benzodiazepines.
Baclon-5 Tablet: Each box containing 5 X 10 tablets in blister strips.
Baclon Tablet: Each box containing 3 X 10 tablets in blister strips.
Dosage & Administration
- Adults: The optimum dosage generally ranges from 30 mg to 80 mg in 3 divided doses daily. Treatment should be always initiated with small, gradually increasing dosages of Baclofen. Therefore, treatment should be started with doses of 5 mg three times daily, increasing every 3 days by 5 mg 3 times daily until an optimum response is achieved. Up to 200 mg daily dose has been used for the control of severe spasticity in patients with spinal cord lesions although doses of more than 100 mg per day are not generally recommended.
- Child: Treatment should usually be started with a very low dose, e.g. 0.3 mg/Kg daily in 4 divided doses. The dosage should be raised cautiously, at about 1 to 2 week intervals, until it becomes sufficient for the child\’s individual requirements. The recommended daily maintenance doses are: 12 months to 2 years: 10 to 20 mg; 2 to 6 years: 20 to 30 mg; 6 to 10 years: 30 to 60 mg.
- Renal Impairment: Doses of Baclofen should be reduced in renal impairment or in patients undergoing chronic haemodialysis. Daily dose of 5 mg by mouth has been suggested for them.
- If no benefit is apparent within 6 weeks of achieving the maximum dosage, therapy should probably be gradually withdrawn over at least 1-2 weeks.