Alkamax Oral Solution
Potassium Citrate + Citric Acid

(1500 mg+250 mg)/5 ml
Drug International Ltd.
200 ml bottle: ৳ 200.00
Alkamax oral solution is indicated in the following cases:
- To relieve discomfort in urinary tract infections
- To prevent kidney stone
- With uricosuric agent to prevent gout
- Acidosis caused by kidney diseases
Oral Solution is an effective alkalinizing agent useful in those conditions where long-term maintenance of alkaline urine is desirable, such as in patients with uric acid and cystine calculi of the urinary tract, especially when the administration of sodium salts is undesirable or contraindicated. In addition, it is a valuable adjuvant when administered with uricosuric agents in gout therapy, since urates tend to crystallize out of acid urine. It is also effective in correcting the acidosis of certain renal tubular disorders where the administration of potassium citrate may be preferable. Alkamax is highly concentrated, and when administered after meals and before bedtime, allows one to maintain an alkaline urinary pH around the clock, usually without the necessity of a 2 A.M. dose. Alkamax alkalinizes the urine without producing a systemic alkalosis in recommended dosage. It is highly palatable, pleasant tasting and tolerable, even when administered for long periods. Potassium Citrate does not neutralize the gastric juice or disturb digestion.
Potassium Citrate is absorbed and metabolized to potassium bicarbonate, this acting as a systemic alkalizer. The effects are essentially those of chlorides before absorption and those of bicarbonates subsequently. Oxidation is virtually complete so that less than 5% of the potassium citrate is excreted in the urine unchanged.
Dosage & Administration
Oral Solution should be taken diluted in water according to directions, followed by additional water, if desired. Palatability is enhanced if chilled before taking. Proper dilution may help prevent gastrointestinal injury associated with the oral ingestion of concentrated potassium salt preparations.
To relieve discomfort in UTI:
- Adults and children over 6 years: 10 ml 3 times daily, diluted with 1 glass of water.
- Children 1-6 years: 5 ml 3 times daily, diluted with ½ glass of water.
To prevent kidney stones, With a uricosuric agent to prevent gout, Acidosis caused by kidney diseases:
- Adults: 10-15 ml 4 times daily (or as directed by the physician) diluted with 1 glass of water.
- Pediatric: 5-10 ml 4 times daily (or as directed by the physician) diluted with ½ glass of water.
* রেজিস্টার্ড চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ মোতাবেক ঔষধ সেবন করুন‘
Concurrent administration of potassium-containing medication, potassium-sparing diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or cardiac glycosides may lead to toxicity.
The drug is contraindicated in severe renal impairment with oliguria or azotemia, untreated Addison’s disease, acute dehydration, severe myocardial damage and hyperkalemia from any cause.
Side Effects
This solution is generally well tolerated without any unpleasant side effect when given in recommended doses to patients with normal renal function and urinary output. However, as with any alkalinizing agent, caution must be used in certain patients with abnormal renal mechanisms to avoid development of hyperkalemia or alkalosis. Potassium intoxication causes listlessness, weakness, mental confusion, tingling of extremities and other symptoms associated with a high concentration of Potassium in the serum.
Pregnancy & Lactation
There are no adequate data from the use of Potassium Citrate oral solution in pregnant women. Animal studies are insufficient with respect to effects on pregnancy. The potential risk to humans is unknown. Potassium Citrate oral solution should not be used during pregnancy unless clearly necessary and on the advice of a physician.
Precautions & Warnings
The solution should be used with caution in patients with low urinary output. It should be diluted adequately with water to minimize the possibility of gastrointestinal injury associated with the oral ingestion of concentrated Potassium salt preparations; and preferably, to take each dose after meals. Large doses may cause hyperkalemia and alkalosis, especially in the presence of renal disease.
Large doses may cause hyperkalemia an alkalosis, especially in the presence of renal disease. Concurrent administration of potassium-containing medication, potassium-sparing diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, or cardiac glycosides may lead to toxicity. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Discontinue use if adverse reaction occurs.
Should be used with caution by patients with low urinary output unless under the supervision of a physician. As with all liquids containing a high concentration of potassium, patients should be directed to dilute adequately with water to minimize the possibility of gastrointestinal injury associated with the oral ingestion of concentrated potassium salt preparations; and preferable, to take each dose after meals to avoid saline laxative effect.
Overdose Effects
The administration of oral Potassium salts to persons with normal excretory mechanisms for potassium rarely causes serious hyperkalemia. However, if excretory mechanisms are impaired, hyperkalemia can result. Hyperkalemia, when detected, must be treated immediately because lethal levels can be reached in a few hours. If hyperkalemia occurs, treatment measures will include the followings: (1) Elimination of foods or medications containing potassium. (2) The intravenous administration of 300 to 500 ml/hr of dextrose solution (10 to 25%), containing 10 units of insulin/20 gm dextrose. (3) The use of exchange resins, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.
Therapeutic Class
Prevention of repeated kidney stone formation, Urinary Alkalinizing Agent
Storage Conditions
Keep below 30°C temperature, away from light & moisture. Keep out of the reach of children.